Today we published AppBeat 1.3.5 with following features:

  • added context menus for services, checks and contacts for more clean user interface
  • when you right click on check in “Service & Checks / Checks”, there is new “Failure/success notes…” option. This allows you to include additional instructions for your support staff for each check and is included in sent notifications.
  • “Account / Personalization” - possible to customize notification subject and short message (SMS) template
  • “Account / Integrations” - added dynamic webhook provider which supports request customization - can be used with any notification provider that supports JSON payload
  • check name is now included by default in notification subject and short message
  • “Account / Security” - current password must be entered before changing to new password
  • other minor improvements

Context menu support:

![When user clicks on check with right button, context menu is shown](/assets/images/Blog-2016/context menu.png)

Failure/success check notes:

![](/assets/images/Blog-2016/Check notes.png)

Notification templates:

![](/assets/images/Blog-2016/Notification templates.png)

Dynamic JSON webhooks:

![](/assets/images/Blog-2016/Dynamic webhooks.png)