As we have previously promised, we published full source code of our cross-platform website monitoring command line tool. You can get it from

Tool is written in C# and targets cross-platform .NET Core framework. This means you can run it on Windows, Linux or Mac.

Tool currently supports following commands:

AppBeat Command Line Interface for monitoring automation, version 1.0.0 Usage: dotnet AppBeat.CLI.dll [command] [options]

command: help Displays this help.

link Links this command line tool with your AppBeat account by providing secret access key.

unlink Unlinks this command line tool from your AppBeat account.

status Returns current status overview of your system with all services and checks.

list Lists active checks or services and returns unique identifier for each resource (resource identifiers).

pause Pauses check(s) and/or service(s) by using resource identifiers.

resume Resumes check(s) and/or service(s) by using resource identifiers.

new-check Creates new AppBeat check (periodic monitor) from json settings provided by UTF-8 encoded input file or standard input.

delete Permanently deletes check(s) and/or service(s) by using resource identifiers.

If you have any questions or ideas for improvement, please contact us at any time.