On September 8th we deployed AppBeat 1.4.3 which brings you more detailed logging for your web monitors. If error occurs we will save server response (HTTP body with header) and send you unique link where you or your support team can view it. Previously you would receive just HTTP status code.

Detailed logs can now help you to diagnose root cause of problem more quickly. They also allow you to keep historic track of incidents (please see note below about how long we keep your detailed logs).

List of all changes are:

  • improved logging for all web checks created after August 9, 2016 - when check changes state from good to non-good we now save detailed error message with response body and header (if available). Older web checks will be migrated to new model gradually.
    Note: we will keep your detailed server response for limited time, based on your subscription level:

    • Free: 1 day
    • Basic: 7 days
    • Starter: 1 month
    • Standard: 3 months
    • Advanced: 6 months
    • Enterprise: 1 year
  • adding or editing checks: you can now select service by entering service name (especially useful if you have large number of services)

  • downtime calculation returned error if user previously edited check and changed service

  • other minor improvements

Happy monitoring!